The Fashion project was a collaborative project with the University of Portsmouth's fashion department that I took on outside of work hours. This project was designed to incorporate new and exciting technology into the final year students end of year fashion show.
This fashion show each year is held at the London fashion show where all the university's in the country attend and show off work. (Traditionally in the form of a catwalk or runway)
I pitched the idea of doing a multimedia video presentation incorporating virtual environments, smart stage and volumetric capture technology. I created the smart stage environment utilising free assets on the Unreal marketplace and built the environment for the volumetric data myself.
On the day of the shoot we ran two teams one team ran the smart stage and shot the models on there. The second team which I ran were in the volumetric capture suit getting a variety of volumetric data from each model.
The final video that was taken to London Fashion Week is the combination of the two video's found below (as well as some more of the fashion departments content)
Below is the assets created for the volumetric environment, as well as still poses for all the models volumetric capture data.