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My name Is Liam and I graduated from the University of Portsmouth with first class honors and am currently pursuing a career in level design!


I am currently pushing myself to finally achieve my childhood dreams of working in the games industry. For about 10 years I spent my time working as a chef straight out of college, although I studied in fine art, I never really saw a straightforward pipeline of education to get into the games industry and it didn’t feel like something I could achieve. During the covid pandemic when we had our first lockdown, I spent a lot of time playing games with my friends online, hanging out with my wife and it occurred to me that for the first time in a long time I was truly happy. You see it turned out that going through the motions, working 70-hour weeks as a chef and having no time to focus on myself or my wife had left me unhappy without even realizing it. 


What I realized is that social connection was very important to me, spending time with friends and loved ones and of course games! So when I looked at the sorts of things I was doing with games both now and back in my life I realized I had always been creating levels, be it a time splitters level editor, Farcry or even Minecraft, (At one point I had actually formed a team of 20 people around the world to create the biggest free hand built RPG on Minecraft PS4) creating levels and exploring other peoples and breaking them down was something I loved.


So, on emerging from the lockdown, I handed my notice in at work, applied for university and secured a part time job in kitchens three days a week to make sure I was financially stable, and I dived in with both feet to secure this dream for myself and since then I have attended every event, spoken to as many people as possible and worked tirelessly to realize this dream.

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