During my time working at the Centre for Creative and Immersive XR I had the opportunity to work on multiple client projects in and around Portsmouth utilizing various forms of Extended Reality. My role within this projects has predominantly been that of a level designer and environment artist for the creation of assets or scenes, however I have also had the opportunity learn and improve my technical skills in other areas related to Extended Reality too.
After moving over to Metaverse-VR I have continued to work in the XR space to create simulation and training based products in VR.
Client: Aspex Art Gallery
Summary: A Film Primarily Shot IN UE4 Using Virtual Environments As Well As Motion Capture, Volumetric Capture And Smart Stage Technology.
Involvement With Project: Level Design, 3D Modelling, Volumetric Capture
Project Length: 8 Weeks To Complete Both Environments For The Project
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Modelling Software: 3DS Max, Zbrush
Texturing Software: Substance Painter, Substance Designer
Client: Spinnaker Tower
Summary: An AR app that allows users to scan markers and see historic events that happened through the windows of the tower.
Involvement With Project: 3D Modelling
Engine: Unity
Modelling Software: 3DS Max
Texturing Software: Substance Painter
Client: University of Portsmouth Fashion Department
Summary: A short video shot for graduate fashion week including volumetric data, virtual environments and smart stage technology.
Involvement With Project: Level Design, 3D Modelling, Volumetric Capture
Project Length: 1 Week
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Modelling Software: 3DS Max
Texturing Software: Substance Painter
Summary: Some of the work I have completed to date using volumetric capture
Client: The Mary Rose Museum
Summary: Multiple applications of tech, including a holofan with an image of the boat, an interactive movie using leap motion and a VR version.
Involvement With Project: Using hand scanners to scan assets and retopologize for use in VR.
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Modelling Software: 3DS Max
Client: Gosport Borough Council
Summary: An AR app that navigates people around Gosport showing key points of interest and adding intractability.
Involvement With Project: 3D Modelling, Volumetric Capture
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Modelling Software: 3DS Max
Texturing Software: Substance Painter
Summary: The work that I have completed to date for the smart stage
Involvement With Project: Level Design, 3D Modelling, Volumetric Capture
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Modelling Software: 3DS Max
Texturing Software: Substance Painter
Summary: Some of the work I have completed to date using motion capture